Thursday, September 12, 2013



Just last Tuesday, an incredible event occurred at Owode Onirin, Ikorodu, Lagos; as images of some clerics who died decades ago were believed to have made sudden appearances on the walls of Dawiz Central Mosque in the area.
The images were identified as that of late Sheikh Ahmada Tijani, (Algeria) Sheikh Ibraheem Niass, (Senegal) Sheikh Jamiu Bulala. (Nigeria)
Those who spoke said the images were very clear when they first appeared on Tuesday. “The images were noticed on Tuesday September 3, on the walls of the mosque which was constructed a few months ago and owned by Sheikh Musa Alegbeleye,” said an eye witness.
It was gathered that four months ago, the image of Sheikh Jamiu Bulala Islamic Cleric, who had died two decades ago appeared first faintly to the consternation of Muslim faithful and they decided never to make it public to create any doubt.
The strange occurrence has turned the serene Owode Onirin area into a Makkah of sorts as people thronged the area not only to see but to also offer some prayers.
Right inside the mosque, people were seen holding bottles/satchets of water muttering prayers and shouting Allahu Akbar (God is great). Some were even seen bowing to the image.
 “We started noticing a very faint image which came with intermittent brightness on the inside wall of the mosque which were replica of the portrait of Sheikh Ibrahim Niass, Sheikh Jamiu Bulala and Sheikh Ahmaa Tijani engraved on the walls of the building.”
How it happened: “A member of the mosque Alhaja Idayatu Idera Afolabi first noticed it and she rushed out to inform everybody and when we saw it, we decided to cover it, because we thought if we announce it, people will think it is ruse that one is trying to play on their intelligence.  But when I also saw it, I was greatly terrified, wondering how such thing could have happened”.
“My thought was that the image would eventually disappear but on the second day, it brightened more and started showing on all sides of the building which made us to still cover it until it became public“.
An eye-witness also disclosed that attempt was made by some individuals to wash off the images but to no avail; adding that the more they try to rub it off, the more the images become clearer.

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