Tuesday, October 08, 2013


The US Federal Reserve has issued a new hi-tech $100 banknote comprising several new security features.
It includes a blue 3D security ribbon and a bell and inkwell logo that authorities say are particularly difficult to replicate.
These combine with traditional security features, such as a portrait watermark and an embedded security thread that glows pink under ultraviolet light.
The 2010 design was delayed because of "unexpected production challenges".
The 3D security ribbon - which is woven into the note, not printed on it - features images of 100s that change into bells and move upwards or sideways depending on how you tilt the paper.
Referring to the embedded security thread Chadwick Wasilenkoff, chief executive of security paper company Fortress Paper, told the BBC: "It's not a small incremental step up for security, it's a giant leap."
Tilting also reveals a green bell within a copper-coloured inkwell to the right of the blue ribbon.
In addition, the 100 number in the bottom right-hand corner shifts from copper to green.
The redesigned banknote, which features a portrait of US founding father and scientist Benjamin Franklin, also includes raised "intaglio" printing that gives the notes a distinctive feel, and microprinted words that are difficult to read without magnification.

Then I thought, can this happen in my dear country without news of misappropriation? 

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