Thursday, March 06, 2014


A 19-year-old a factory worker, Wayne Bryson, was spared from serving jail term after he had admitted to sexually penetrating his girlfriend’s 4-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier  in what has been described as “30 seconds of madness”.
He was caught out when girlfriend Amber Hickling, 18, looked through his phone for some pictures.
She spotted the footage which showed the dog “shaking in a backwards and forwards motion” and handed it over to police.
Miss Hickling said she has had to get rid of Rudy because she could not bear to look her in the eye.
“When I found the video I felt sick,” she said. “I was shaking and crying. I just couldn’t believe it.
“I would have been surprised to catch him cheating, but to catch him shagging my dog was wrong on a different level.
“He could have been doing it all along and I only caught him because he taped it. I felt dirty just knowing he touched me after he could do something like that with my dog.
 “He should be locked up. If it had been a person he would be, but because it’s a dog that couldn’t even defend itself he’s free. I still feel sick about it and I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.
“I have to live with what he’s done to Rudy and he is free to do it again with another animal.”
 “I couldn’t stand to look at her so I found a family to re-home her with. I lost my dog and my boyfriend.
Prosecutor Paul Woods told Skegness Magistrates’ Court: “[Miss Hickling] could see a man’s penis going in and out of the animal. The clip was about 30 seconds long.”
Factory worker Bryson, from Louth, Lincolnshire, was given a four month prison sentence suspended for two years and told he must never be alone with an animal again.
He will have to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for seven years, was given a supervision order and was ordered to pay an £80 victim surcharge.
Since the incident, described by Gordon Holt representing him in court as “stupid and disgusting”, he has been disowned by his family and broken up with his girlfriend.
The video lasted for 30 seconds and the court heard that Bryson did not ejaculate and he did not send it round.

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